Incredible Black Forest Cake

#Cake | A rich, dark and indulgent Black Forest Cake. Each luscious layer is enveloped in sweetened double cream and cherries and topped with a deliciously dark chocolate ganache.
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Candy Cane Cake
#CandyCane | Jump to Recipe I cannot believe I started making Christmas desserts already and it’s not even Thanksgiving! I actually blame my brother and sisters because they have been playing Christmas music ALL DAY LONG!  I’m just kidding, I actually wanted to start baking Christmas desserts weeks ago, but I thought it was too soon.  And since Thanksgiving […]

Homemade Chocolate Cake Mix
#ChocolateCake | Jump to Recipe Hi guys! It’s Lainey, Happy New Year and I hope you had a wonderful holiday!!! I’m so excited for 2016 because LOTS of new things happening and To kick off the New Year, I want to share with you MY HOMEMADE Chocolate Cake Mix!! Tips and Tricks for Making This Homemade Chocolate […]

Chocolate chip banana bread
#BananaBread | Extra moist extra delicious chocolate chip banana bread made with greek yoghurt. This loaf is so easy it can be made in one bowl and takes only ten minutes to prepare!

Apple and Blackberry Cake
#Apple | This fabulous Apple and Blackberry Cake is a perfect cake for Autumn - tender, fluffy apple sponges filled with berry jam and a zingy blackberry buttercream! #appleandblackberrycake #appleandblackberrycakerecipe #appleandblackberrysponge #appleandblackberrycakeuk


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