Chicago Interior Design Firm Team at Centered by Design

#InteriorDesign | The team behind Chicago interior design firm Centered by Design team share their personal styles, how they each got into design and what inspires them.
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The best of the BEST Wall Hangings
#WallHangings | Looking for the very best of the BEST Wall Hangings? A roundup of 9 stunning wall hangings that are creative, unique and trendy to hang in your home.

Star Holiday Drink Stirs
#Holiday | Learn how to create festive holiday cocktail stirs using simple materials like clay, wire and raffia to make these fun Clay Holiday Star Drink Stirs.

Simple Ideas to creating a Cozy Home
#Cozy | There is nothing like coming home to a comfortable warm home that is fully you. Check out these simple ideas to creating a Cozy Home in inexpensive ways.

9 Ways to Organize your Life and Home
#Life | 9 easy to do & simple ways to Organize your Life and your Home. Helpful tips on things like organizing your kitchen cabinets & dealing with a linen closet!


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